“No one can serve two masters. For either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will hold to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon”, Mat.6:24

The Lord Jesus spoke these words – and He put them into a context which we should never disregard, not the context, neither the words. There are Verses in the Bible Jesus Himself took out of context applying them either to Himself, His circumstances or even His Children. He was no Theologian; He could that wholeheartedly.

Most people, most preachers even, state that serving Mammon is to love money, experiencing some kind of greed towards it and in some cases going through hardships because of coin gaining. I cannot disagree upon that, but I may affirm freely that serving Mammon is more than loving money.

Let’s take a few things Jesus related to serving Mammon:

Could we talk, I am sure we would find many more candles lit towards Mammon and his temple. There is worshipping, and there is serving. You might be found worshipping the Living God and assume, because of that, that you are not serving Mammon. Hope it is true! May God grant it to be so. Amen.

José Mateus