Lord Jesus, I have little to give away,

But I know how to give it all of it to You.

My love is so small if I look at yours, but it is all yours and nothing shares my heart with You to divide it.

The time I have is short, but can I use it more and serve as You alone would?

I know little, yet speak all I know the way I learned to share and still search  You for all I still need me to know.

When I pray, I need to say to You all of what bothers my heart - I share it all,

For I feel I cannot be halfhearted, laying down at your feet half measures.

And, should it happen that while I discuss things of little value with You an earthquake comes to disturb my mind at that moment,

I believe I would still be talking to You and finish what brought me to bow my knees.

If I wait and expect from You I deny it to my heart that people cover up for You instead,

For it would still feel to me they are not covering up Your lack, but rather blinding my eyes so I will not see You.

Nevertheless, Lord, teach me how to hear when it is You speaking even from a mouth of an infant, however small.

But, let it be You speaking, for of what value would man’s opinion be to me if it is not Yours?

I, therefore, need to be turned all yours if I speak, when I hear, when I do nothing

I need to be cherished by You alone, loved by You, gathered and blessed by You to the end.

Let my way not be blessed if You are not with me in it,

Let my heart be yours alone to the end,

For, if you gather me to your joy, let my heart rest in Thee as it did in trouble down here, for if you keep me during trouble, you will keep in joy so my heart will remain unshaken and calmly close to You in my greatest joy. Amen.  

José Mateus