
(Dial.11)(Dial.12)(Dial.13)(Dial.14)DIALOGUE 15(Dial.16)(Dial.17)(Dial.18)(Dial.19)(Dial.20)



DIRTY_C: You never have doubts?

CLEAN_C: You don’t believe sometimes? Can’t you trust so now and then?

DIRTY_C: Sometimes I am able to believe. But, most of the time my trust or faith doesn’t result in anything; it does not bring any fruit.

CLEAN_C: Sometimes I have doubts about certain things. Some of those doubts are valuable, though. Some others aren’t that good. However, when I see temptation leading me to mistrust the Lord or His words, I am able to pull myself together and find my way back to the Lord for assurance. I do that because I can’t afford to have false assurances. God has to reassure me. But, I found myself doubting lies already. So, I consider those as good doubts and I can thank God for them.

DIRTY_C: You mean it is possible to have good doubts? I thought we should believe all the time. I believed doubting was bad.

CLEAN_C: Doubting truth and Jesus is bad. However, breeding mistrust towards lies is good. In fact, I consider it as faith when we are able to doubt a subtle lie. God can strengthen faith in truth and strengthen doubt in lies. Faith and doubts can both be virtues or they can be sin, depending what you doubt and what you believe. You can believe a lie and that sort of believing can never be considered as faith. And doubting a lie can never be considered as unbelief. It is possible to believe aright and believe amiss, just as it is possible to doubt aright and doubt amiss. We cannot afford to doubt the Lord when He speaks just as we cannot afford to trust a word coming from the devil. And genuine faith must be there only when God speaks. Abraham did not believe before God spoke. He trusted God in his overall life, but started building his hopes upon a specific word which the Lord spoke. Faith is much related to obedience as well. We cannot obey unless God has spoken. And we cannot obey unless it is the truth and accept it as such. We can accept a lie as truth and obey it; however, it can neither be considered as obedience.

DIRTY_C: So, when is it sin to doubt then? I have always been told I should never doubt.

CLEAN_C: Doubting is sin when your heart is responsible for not being able to take a word from God as trustworthy and infallible. God’s words are far above any contradiction or trial it may suffer. Usually, doubt and faith are the fruit or a consequence of the kind of heart we have. Jesus associated doubting to an evil heart. He said, “O faithless and perverse generation...” Mat.17:17. Only a perverted and crooked heart is able to doubt God. Honest people are also able to lack faith when they are separated from God for some reason. The way to solve it is to confess instead of trying to have faith. However, we should know the heart is the problem. Forcing a bad heart to believe won’t solve the problem, at least not for long. We should have a change of heart because it is the only one responsible for whatever we are able to doubt or believe. If you can believe lies, you shall surely breed a natural mistrust towards truth; if you are able to believe truth, you shall build a natural mistrust towards lies. It just works that way. If you turn your face to truth, your back is naturally turned to lies. It is not possible to turn your face to lies and to truth at the same time because they are on opposed sides.

DIRTY_C: How so?

CLEAN_C: A thief trusts a thief because they are alike. They walk together because they are alike. Their souls “are agreed”, Amos3:3. An honest person trusts an honest person for the same reason. People who walk together are in some kind of consent or inner agreement. Sort seeks sort. If you have a truthful heart to which God is drawn and called to, you shall easily hear and believe the Shepherd. It all depends on what you really are or are changed into. If you are sheep, you will hear Him. To become sheep is better than to trying hard to hear Him and to understand Him.

DIRTY_C: You mean that if I have a spontaneous mistrust towards lies it means I am able to trust God and to entrust myself to Him fully? And if I am not able to entrust myself fully to God I am good at believing lies? Is that what you mean?

CLEAN_C: Yes, that is what I mean. You can entrust your whole being into His hands and be changed also. That’s why Jesus calls upon people to deny themselves.

DIRTY_C: And why did Jesus talk so strongly against all those who doubted?

CLEAN_C: He spoke against those who doubted Him and the words He spoke – not against doubting. Jesus reprimanded all such who could not believe truth because it meant they could believe lies. He would do the same were they able to believe a lie. If people were found doubting a word from God, even when it had been a disciple who carried it, He would surely be displeased against them. The fact is that it is the Holy Spirit who is trying to lodge truth in the heart of man. Doubting it is resisting a profound conviction worked by God. Doubting is camouflaged disbelief, either in God or in lies. Disbelief towards lies isn’t bad. However, we have no reason to doubt truth because the Holy Spirit would never mislead us or lead us to lies.

DIRTY_C: So, it is not always sin to doubt?

CLEAN_C: No, it isn’t always bad to doubt. Jesus praised the Church at Ephesus because they “tried those pretending to be apostles and have found them liars”. It was not easy to doubt an apostle. Yet, they did it and God praised them the same way He reprimanded Thomas for not having believe his brothers when they told him Jesus had risen from the dead.

DIRTY_C: This is interesting.

CLEAN_C: What Jesus solemnly condemns is that we doubt truth or anything that He said or says. However, Jesus would just as solemnly condemn a trust in a lie. If we are found unable to expose a lie as such, or at least doubt it, Jesus will surely be greatly displeased with us.

DIRTY_C: I understand. If we are not able to believe truth when it is brought before our eyes, Jesus won’t feel happy about it. It means we would rather believe a lie. And if we believe a lie, He will be just as unhappy about it.

CLEAN_C: Yes, that’s right. Christ calls a liar to anyone who is able to believe lies. But, if lies are spoken and we aren’t able to believe them, Christ will see us as truthful people. He’ll praise us because we “found them liars”.

DIRTY_C: I understand it much better now.

CLEAN_C: And what did you think faith was?

DIRTY_C: To me faith sounded like believing anything. I thought we weren’t allowed to doubt anything at all.

CLEAN_C: That couldn’t be regarded as faith. The devil could use such a heart to his benefit. Christ wants us to be sober and not fools. Faith is the ability and the act of believing truth and disbelieving lies even when they are invisible. Jesus did not call us to believe, but to believe truth. There are invisible lies, as there are invisible truths.

DIRTY_C: Truth can be invisible?

CLEAN_C: Yes, it can. Are your thoughts visible? They aren’t. Still, you live by them and you trust them quite a lot. The air you breathe is invisible, yet, it exists. If you breathe polluted air, you will notice the difference.

DIRTY_C: What you mean is that faith is an ability to believe truth. One needs to be able to believe it. And there are some people who won’t believe it because of the kind of heart they have in them. They can't believe truth because they have a bad heart. 

CLEAN_C: Yes, that is what I mean. This is why Jesus mentioned those who “can believe” Him, Mk.9:23. Many just aren’t able to believe truth and they won’t obey it. People will rather believe lies because it suits the flesh. Many, however, will believe truth as long as it is not spoken by God. Their ways are not God’s and their heart is not like God's. If you are separated from God by some sin, I am sure truth won’t take hold of your heart and being. Truth won't be able to accomplish its work.

DIRTY_C: The heart is what makes us believe or disbelieve. Is that what you mean?

CLEAN_C: Yes, that is what I mean. People shall react towards truth or lies according to the kind of heart they have and according to its desires. If it is lies that suits them, they shall be able to believe it easily and will rather believe it.

DIRTY_C: And why would they have it that way?

CLEAN_C: There are people who would not believe were they honest. Others would easily believe were they simple and honest with themselves. Truthful people don’t need to force themselves to believe truth. They smell truth out. The sheep of Israel shouldn’t do it the old way anymore. They can believe. Faith is as easy as breathing once we belong to the truth. At least, it should be. After we have changed, we shouldn’t try believing the way we used to. Peter talks about faith being attained. If it is attained, it can’t be forced. It is fruit of a relationship. Peter talks about “those who have obtained precious faith through the righteousness of our God and our Saviour Jesus Christ”, 2Pet.1:1. Because they experience being righteous, they are enabled to believe. Faith is a gift to those who commune with God in a real way. Truth needs to be turned into reality and experience or it will avail us nothing. If any sin still separates us from the Lord, any kind of faith won’t be a living one, unless it is exercised during the confession of that sin and the consequent turning away from it. It might be obstinacy, at the most, if it believes in any other time. We should not dare to believe without God in our lives. We must have Him for sure, assuring us, or the devil will act as God. If God is indeed with us, we should be able to believe He is with us; if God is against us, we should be able to believe He is against us. That kind of faith would be able to save us.

DIRTY_C: How can it work be? This is a new thing to me.

CLEAN_C: If something is new to you and it is real, you have the option to take it, believe it and live through it. You must never doubt truth, but you must, also, allow it to become real to you once you trust it. You must taste and live truth or it will be as good as a lie. “Prove all things, hold fast to the good”, 1Thes.5:21.

DIRTY_C: But, isn’t it dangerous to put God to the proof and to try Him in some way?

CLEAN_C: God can confirm anything to you if you are tempted by lies simultaneously with hearing truth. God told King Ahaz to ask a sign to confirm with Him. Ahaz refused and God granted Him the sign anyway, because God knew he had a doubting heart, Is.7:10-16.

DIRTY_C: I understand. It happens only because God is not real to people, isn’t it so? God is fair and wishes people to take Him as real. It wouldn’t be hard to trust Him if we could just behold Him the way He is, I think.  

CLEAN_C: Yes, it is true. You may behold Him and experience Him inside your heart for real. He can become as real to you as the consciousness you have of your own being. That should be better than seeing Him with the naked eye. We can see someone outside or afar, but God needs to be near and inside, moving in there. He must be real in us each moment of our lives. Believing can be easy then. It is not the same when we do not walk with God. Believing must be very difficult then. Anyone believing far from God is a hypocrite.

DIRTY_C: You mean that God assures everyone who experiences Him?

CLEAN_C: Yes, He does. “You shall call, and the Lord shall answer; you shall cry, and He shall say, ‘Here I am’”, Is.58:9.

DIRTY_C: God will be fair and talk to anyone who proves all things, even to any who proves Him?

CLEAN_C: He will, if our desire is to experience and to know truth. Many wish only to prove God won’t say a certain thing to them which they don't wish to hear. I believe those will see nothing. However, obedience to God and to all known truth is what proves Him best. The experiencing of real life is what convinces us most.  

DIRTY_C: And God will accept anyone who puts Him to the test?

CLEAN_C: It we are not sure about certain things and our motives are pure, God can confirm many things to us. We need to near Him with humility and faith and He shall have mercy on us. “And test Me now with this, says the Lord of Hosts, to see if I will not open the windows of Heaven for you”, Mal.3:10. There are many wrong ways to put God to the test and only one right way to do so. If our intention is to believe the Lord, I am sure it isn’t the same as when we do not wish to believe Him. Our motives and ways are what make it acceptable or rejectable. God knows when we wish to flee away from lies and escape from them for our lives. If you have good beans and bad means in the same bag, I cannot believe it is wrong to separate between them so you may be able to eat only the good ones. God’s intention is to do us good, especially if our motives and intentions are good. He can even use evil temporarily when our intentions are to know truth.

DIRTY_C: I understand. God can use anything to achieve what is right.

CLEAN_C: Yes, He can. He does.

DIRTY_C: And why does God send plagues and curses upon people?

CLEAN_C: God’s intention is to make people repent of whatever evil they have. “And the fifth angel poured out his plague... And they did not repent of their deeds”, Rev.16:10-11.

DIRTY_C: And why don’t people get saved?

CLEAN_C: Because they are not able to believe. Sin makes people’s hearts dark and hardened and leads them to bitterness rather than to God. Under a plague, they choose to curse God because they don’t see the point of loving Him since He does not love their sin. They had high hopes in sin, they thought highly of themselves and God is not friendly to them.

DIRTY_C: Please, explain some more.

CLEAN_C: People in sin seem always to have a bitter heart. Anger is their daily bread. However, they expect God to bless them. And anger breeds many children, such as impatience, harsh speaking, judging and cursing. It just works that way. Anger and bitterness deprives people from grace. “…Looking carefully lest there be any man that falls short of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby the many be defiled”, Heb.12:15.

DIRTY_C: And, by cursing God, people shall move further away from Him, and the further they are, the harder it shall be to believe and trust Him. Is that right?

CLEAN_C: That is right. We cannot afford to be away from God or we will be further and further by the day. We shouldn’t afford to have a single sin separating us from Him. If people are honest and simple, faith will come out of a genuine communion with God. However, if we try or pretend to have faith while separated from God, if we would rather force ourselves to believe instead of recognizing we are far from the Lord, Jesus will look at us and say we are trying to get into the sheepfold by jumping over the wall. We are not willing to get in through the door (John 10:1). Hypocrites do that. And they are thrown out!

DIRTY_C: And what hope is there for people who are separated from God since they are unable to believe? What can they do?

CLEAN_C: They can clean up their sins and remove them from the sight of God through the blood of Jesus. They should dare to come near. It is good to challenge ourselves towards God. Their only hope is to clean their life as they near the Lord, and to turn from it to become wither than snow. “How blessed are those who wash their robes so that they may have the right to the tree of life and may go through the gates into the city!” Rev.22:14. This means that those who do not wash will not get in through the gate, but will try to get in some other way. We should only put every sin in the light to annihilate it. We have consciousness of those sins which hinder us from being heard in prayer and which hinder us to believe. Putting them all in the light should be no problem to us. It is a privilege to do so. Grace calls us and enables us to do so.

DIRTY_C: Is there nothing else that can separate us from the Lord besides sin?

CLEAN_C: No, there isn’t. Nothing can separate us from the Love of God once we share in its fullness through spotlessness. We shall be able to love, to believe and to hope through that love which is poured into us abundantly. However, it is poured so we can love and not be loved.

DIRTY_C: And why would people say all we need to do is to believe in God?

CLEAN_C: Even though it is true, we cannot expect that an honest person can trust God without breaking down his heart to plead for specified forgiveness. Besides, we need to believe God will take us to His fullness and not to remain as we are. Preachers should, at first, try to bring people to a thorough cleansing before telling them to believe in Jesus for anything else besides their forgiveness. They will trust on by themselves once they see the light of God.

DIRTY_C: I understand your point. But, I don’t know if I agree with it. What else is there to do after people are cleansed?

CLEAN_C: Then, faith shall be as easy as breathing. You should try it. That is how people become aware of how easy they will be able to fulfil and keep the commandments of God. People need to be taught how to keep them and not merely told to keep them, Mat.28:20. They need to know how to come to that point and not only why!

DIRTY_C: This is very interesting.

CLEAN_C: Only then are people able to believe because the nearness of Jesus’ Spirit will make them bold enough to enter further into His presence. Everything is made new and everything becomes different and marvellous enough to cause people to praise God with their whole heart and soul. “The old things are passed away; behold, they are become new”, 2 Cor.5:17. After people have cleansed their soul, they should be exhorted to believe and take truth as truth and lies as lies. Telling them that before they have light won’t achieve anything, even though it is good to do so. Jesus knocks at our door for each situation’s main purpose: to achieve it and to have it for real.

DIRTY_C: And if Jesus is not knocking at my door, what should I do?

CLEAN_C: That would be a huge catastrophe. It would be disastrous to anyone. But, we know God’s eyes run to and fro through the whole earth to find anyone whose heart seeks Him in a perfect way, 2 Chron.16:9.

DIRTY_C: This is confusing to me. How can I fix my life with God if I can’t believe He shall save me?

CLEAN_C: You recall when we talked about the effect the smell of food has upon us? Do you recall us talking about the limited experience of peace before being thoroughly cleansed from sin?

DIRTY_C: Yes, I remember. I will never be able to forget about that. It is written in me. I am not able to forget the experience. What about it?

CLEAN_C: The same principle can be applied to faith. The eternal, constant life of God nears us and makes it possible for us to believe. After that Life is fully settled in us, and it can be considered eternal (constant) in us, it shall be easier for us to have a fuller faith. “I will walk before the Lord in the land of the living. I believed, therefore I have spoken”, Ps.116:9-10. It seems the Psalmist believed because he walked with God. Through that eternal Life, we are made people capable of believing every word of God. The option will be there and it shall be easy for us to decide to trust Him fully. It won’t be as before. Before, we would not believe God or we would only believe amiss. In the presence of God, faith and hope become fruit of the Spirit. All other fruits of the Spirit are born much the same way. And faith is a fruit of a relationship between us and God, just as a child is fruit of a relationship between husband and wife.

DIRTY_C: What do you mean by fruit of the Spirit?

CLEAN_C: Fruit is caused and brought about by a real relationship with God’s Spirit in all holiness. You should try it. Have you ever wondered how can you love your enemies? Try it. Good things will surely come out of a real relationship between you and God.

DIRTY_C: His relationship with me?

CLEAN_C: Yes. It is a solemn promise to all. Just as my child is fruit of the relationship between me and my wife, so will faith, love, peace, joy, hope and many other virtues be a fruit of the Spirit inside you. After a woman becomes pregnant, no one can hinder that tiny fertilized egg to become a person. No one can hinder love, hope and faith to be in you if your relationship to God is kept pure and clean, especially when your motives are pure and the same as God’s.

DIRTY_C: And why are they called fruit of the Spirit if I am the one who loves, believes and hopes? Aren’t they my fruit as well?

CLEAN_C: For the same reason why a child is named after the father. The mother and the father bring it to life. Yet, the child is named after the father.

DIRTY_C: I see.

CLEAN_C: God is the father of all good fruit in the soul of man. That’s why it is called fruit of the Spirit and not fruit of man. If it is not His child, He won’t accept it. It won’t be acceptable to Him. It must be acceptable to God. This is why we read so much about acceptable service, acceptable offer and many other things which need to be acceptable. Unless it is God’s child and fruit, it will be a strange fire in God’s altar. Filthy rags they are. However, we are equally responsible for bearing fruit since we are the ones who shall give birth to it. Self-control is mentioned to be fruit of the Spirit. However, we say it is self-control. It means we control ourselves. Yet, it is a fruit of the Spirit.

DIRTY_C: It is worked by the Spirit and we are the ones who are able to control ourselves.

CLEAN_C: Yes. Likewise, it is us who believe. Yet, it is a fruit of the Spirit. And we may apply the same principle to love, hope and to the exercise of holiness. Yet, they are all fruit of the Spirit. Faith, therefore, is born out of the life worked by God in His presence. It is there in all those who commune with Him. It is there because God fertilized man’s spirit and soul with His seed. Both the Father and the mother take care of that child and bring it to life.

DIRTY_C: You mean, it is life which drives us to believe? It doesn’t sound right to me, though! I am used to look at it the other way round. I always heard we need to believe to have life. We need to believe before we can have it.  

CLEAN_C: Jesus said: “Whoever believes in Me, has eternal life”. He did not say “shall have eternal life”, but rather that he has it already. Because he has it, man believes. By having that life, one is able to believe. If someone refuses to believe when the Spirit is quickening, in us, faith which saves, that person simply condemns himself. “If you don’t believe in me, you shall die in your sins”. It is through life we are able to have faith and trust the Lord. The Kingdom of God has come, we should believe it. Let there be more such real faith!

DIRTY_C: I am still confused. Shouldn’t it be the other way round? Shouldn’t we believe to have life?

CLEAN_C: It is the same as asking which came first: the egg or the chicken?  

DIRTY_C: God created the chicken first. So, the egg comes after.

CLEAN_C: That’s what I believe too. In other words, Life is responsible for faith which brings more life into being. My faith can bring life into you as well. It just works that way. We should near Jesus to have life which quickens the faith by which we can be fully saved. “…And you will not come to Me that you might have life” John 5:40. John also talked about us believing to have life, John 20:31. We don’t know where it starts and where it goes. “The Spirit breathes where He desires, and you hear His voice, but you do not know from where He comes, and where He goes; so is everyone who is born of the Spirit”. An egg ends up in a chicken and a chicken ends in breeding eggs.

DIRTY_C: I understand.

CLEAN_C: However, Life and faith are gifts from God. He grants it to us, so we to have them, whether they are attained easily or the hard way; whether we seek to have it or God seeks us to have it. We need to give up all so we may have access to real life. We need to exchange own righteousness for real life. “But no, rather, I also count all things to be loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them to be dung, so that I may win Christ and be found in Him; not having my own righteousness, which is of the Law, but through the faith of Christ, the righteousness of God by faith”, Phil.3:8-9. Paul had that righteousness in himself for real. It wasn't a fairy tale to him at all.

DIRTY_C: Can you show me more about it out of the Bible?

CLEAN_C: There are many truths in the Bible around that issue. “For they, being ignorant of God's righteousness and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves to the righteousness of God. For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness for everyone who believes”, Rom.10:3-4.

DIRTY_C: So, if faith is a gift from God and even if I am the mother of it, the womb of it, I wouldn’t be able to believe unless I had life in me?

CLEAN_C: We must find life in Jesus. After we find life in Him, truth becomes our experience as well as our belief because faith is to believe truth. We cannot opt to believe unless we are aware of truth. And Jesus is the Truth.

DIRTY_C: And it is wrong to try to have faith when we don’t have life? Unless we have it we should attempt to believe?

CLEAN_C: You can try to believe, but the first trial will prove you to be a liar and you will take God for a liar. God won’t fulfil and your 'faith' will show you are a hypocrite. However, the sinner’s heart will continue to believe in himself only and interpret the experience of having been denied his own way. You would condemn yourself easily by climbing over the wall into the sheepfold because you won’t see God but to throw you out again, in order to talk sense into you by showing He is against you for as long as you don’t clean up. You might even start believing God does not exist! You will be able to believe a lie. And you would do it against your own conscience!

DIRTY_C: We can be condemned if we breed a faith which is not worked through righteousness in us?

CLEAN_C: Yes, we can easily condemn ourselves if the righteousness which works that faith is not God’s.

DIRTY_C: This seems a little confusing!

CLEAN_C: That will be the main reason why most now-a-days preachers shall be condemned soon. They proclaim peace and faith where there is no peace and where there is no real faith. “They have also healed the hurt of my people slightly, saying, Peace, peace, when there is no peace”, Jer.6:14. They use their last breathes to rob the people of God of their money and turn their attention from true issues. They have been thrown into the deep sea of deceit and still proclaim the faith they have denied, to take many along with them.

DIRTY_C: How did they get deep into the sea of deceit, as you put it?

CLEAN_C: Their faith has shipwrecked! Their stained consciences cause them to shipwreck in the faith. “…Holding a good conscience, which some have put away and made shipwreck as to faith”, 1 Tim.1:19. They haven't kept their consciences clean and spotless. Real faith is the fruit which the soul of man attains purity and salvation. If we try it through deceit and filth, we will be rewarded with more deceit and filth. Through faith and by faith we are able to be saved from all our sins. We shall see God by being clean, Mat.5:8. That inner experience of seeing God is far better than an eye contact of His glory. God inside of us is the experience of glory; eye contact of His glory means God is outside. Thinking the thoughts of God is far better than to know about those thoughts from outside and from studying. “Blessed are the clean in heart, for they shall see God”, Mat.5:8. That is why the apostles often spoke about people “purifying their hearts by faith”, Act.15:9. Without a spotless conscience and a thorough cleansing of your whole life it shall just be impossible to have a kind of faith that saves from sin. Faith suffers shipwreck if the conscience is stained by some sin because it separates us from real life, which is responsible for genuine faith. Faith is the power or the means by which we can be saved from all our sins. That is why we need to believe before we can be saved.

DIRTY_C: Without faith we lose a lot then. And without life we lose the faith that really works.

CLEAN_C: Yes, of course we lose much. And after we share in the faith which is a genuine gift of God, we must know things work out some other way after we take hold of the whole of it. It doesn’t work as before anymore. Everything has become new, even the way to do things. We have new weapons of light, new ways of thinking and new ways to do everything we know from then on. Without that faith, it shall be impossible to come to a state where we can please God. Not that faith pleases God, but through faith we are able to have full access to a state which is pleasing to God. We don’t need to have or to breed a false faith at all. We should forsake a forced faith forever as an image of what is in heaven. We cannot afford to neglect having real life or we will lose on a genuine kind of faith as well. And that kind of faith is valuable - so valuable God tries it and shapes it up daily. “For everything that has been born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that overcomes the world, our faith”, 1 John 5:4. There is nothing like it. It is important to have a close relationship to Christ because it imparts into us the faith which is able to save us from anything in this present world. Other miracles are not as important as salvation, no matter how important they are. Salvation is the biggest miracle there is!




(Dial.11)(Dial.12)(Dial.13)(Dial.14)DIALOGUE 15(Dial.16)(Dial.17)(Dial.18)(Dial.19)(Dial.20)