
(Dial.11)(Dial.12)(Dial.13)(Dial.14)(Dial.15)DIALOGUE 16(Dial.17)(Dial.18)(Dial.19)(Dial.20)



DIRTY_C: I fear the thought of eternity. I can’t even imagine how eternity shall be. Sometimes it seems I am the only one who is not going to die. I can’t see myself dying at all.

CLEAN_C: You are an honest man. I firmly believe no sinner thinks much on his own death. The sinner knows he is going to die, yet, lives on as if death should or would never knock him down.

DIRTY_C: I agree with you.

CLEAN_C: This is why the Bible says it is good for us to go to a funeral so now and then so that we could realize what will also happen to us - sooner or later, one way or another. The Bible says it is better to go to a funeral than to a party. That is where many people’s eyes can face unavoidable facts.

DIRTY_C: And why do people live as if they will never die, even if they know they will die?

CLEAN_C: There are many reasons why man thinks that way. However, there is a main one, which is: God created us as eternal beings. We have been created with the idea of eternity engraved in us. It is part of us. However, we have ceased to be eternal beings and the heart still has eternity burnt into it as part of creation. Man is full of contradictions and antagonisms in him because the creation he is doesn’t fit into his sinful state anymore. His true state is not the same as the reality he is aware of as creation. Man thinks and reasons as an eternal being.


CLEAN_C: Because the Bible says that, when God created man, “He put eternity in his heart”, Ecc.3:11. This man with the concept of eternity burnt in him by creation is the one who has fallen into sin and whom God forbid to eat from the Tree of Life. He is the one to whom God said, “You shall not eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. For in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die”, Gen.2:17. Now, man is not eternal anymore. He can’t live forever unless he eats from the Tree of Life. “And God said, Behold, man has become as one of Us, to know good and evil. And now, lest he put forth his hand and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live forever, therefore God sent him out from the garden of Eden to till the ground from which he had been taken. And God placed cherubs at the east of the garden of Eden, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to guard the way to the Tree of Life”, Gen.3:24. Now we have a being that shall die and still has a mind which thinks and reasons in an eternal mode. The way man thinks is still according to creation.

DIRTY_C: I think I understand. It makes sense. We all think evil will strike others only and not us.

CLEAN_C: Yes, that is true. But, there are many more reasons why man avoids thinking of death.

DIRTY_C: Which reasons?

CLEAN_C: Man has been created to be pure, clean and obedient to truth, constant and without ups and downs. Consequently, man also has this mind which assumes he is all that. However, he is not pure, he is not a constant being anymore, and does not obey God naturally. Man's mind trick him into lies. He is too lazy and too unwilling to realize his situation has changed drastically. Man’s inner world is a contradiction of many things he experiences. There are exterior facts which do not work according to the creation that man still is. We cannot deny we are still created beings. What man experiences in daily life is far from the way he has been made to be.

DIRTY_C: Is that why people believe they are always right?

CLEAN_C: Perhaps it is, I cannot say for sure, and perhaps it is why man also refuses to acknowledge sin, even though we cannot ascribe it to that reason only. Man has also become stubborn in what he is. Ignorance and unbelief also play a huge role here. The facts are that man is a world of contradictions. He is an abortion of his own creation. Until we eat from the Tree of Life, we won’t find ourselves and neither our place in the Universe. If we meet the conditions to eat from Christ and drink His blood, we shall also find the main reason why we have been created for, and we will understand our existence. This is mainly why God always uses the words, “Come back” to all lost people. They must “come back” to their origin. He even says "come back" to people who have never been converted before.

DIRTY_C: And what else causes humans to be confused beings?

CLEAN_C: God is absent from them. Man does not know he needs to search for God because he naturally assumes God is with him all the way. People have been made as beings who would experience God’s presence continually and walk with Him all the time out of love. Man cannot think goodness will miss him at all. This is why God tells people to seek Him to find Him and very few obey this commandment. Even pessimists have a kind of mind which contradicts their daily expectations. All sinners use God’s name in vain, one way or another. Humans struggle to believe God is not with them. They hate to face such a reality.

DIRTY_C: And why is it so hard to believe God is not with us?

CLEAN_C: The devil, together with the perverted heart of man, uses the whole situation to his benefit. When man is against God or God is against man, the devil entices man to believe God will help or bless him all the time. When God is indeed with man, the opposite happens and the devil tempts man through unbelief. When man has made his life right with God, the devil uses most of man’s remembrances of when God was not with him. It can be easy to make man unstable if he doesn’t hold on to the Tree of Life, Christ, at any cost with full assurance. I have seen many people recalling false prophecies of their time of deceit every time God speaks with them truthfully. The devil used lies before to keep them in darkness concerning the true nature of God; and now he uses old facts to tempt man and rob him of his faith, saying to man he had been a liar. Faith is the main thing he wishes to destroy in us; that is the target the devil aims at. He does anything to make man unbelieving and to offend God. Unbelief is the same as tempting God.

DIRTY_C: Sometimes I feel so confused I feel like giving up.

CLEAN_C: It can easily happen. The devil may tempt you to give up what you have never started for real. It makes you believe you are right with God.

DIRTY_C: How so?

CLEAN_C: If you have never cleansed your life, if you are really separated from God, you can breed ideas of giving up, because you believe you are right with God. It is another way to believe you have been following Jesus.

DIRTY_C: You mean I have never had God in me at all?

CLEAN_C: I don’t know. All I know is that you have never cleansed your whole life the way you should have cleansed. If you had cleansed it thoroughly you, wouldn’t ask these questions the way you do. By your fruit, I know you.

DIRTY_C: In your view, I have no chance to be saved?

CLEAN_C: You have the same chances of being saved as any other sinner who has never cleansed his own soul from all transgressions. This means you must cleanse your heart and soul to be able to start genuine life the way it should be started!

DIRTY_C: Which way?

CLEAN_C: Do I have to repeat it all over again? You must make your life right with God and people the way I have explained before.

DIRTY_C: But, if I already believe in Jesus and I talk to people about God, why should I go back on my sins to ask people and God to forgive me? Aren't all my sins already forgiven?

CLEAN_C: I think you speak to people about Jesus so you can find one more reason to avoid pleading for forgiveness. No teacher believes he should be a student and a student who teaches may think highly of himself. When a thief gives some money to the poor, he believes he is a good man. But, God still says he is a sinner. And because man rather believes himself, he assumes God is lying even though he doesn’t say God is a liar openly. A sinner will rather say such words are not coming from God.

DIRTY_C: I don’t think that is what is happening to me.

CLEAN_C: We read in the Bible that, “Nevertheless the foundation of God stands sure: Let everyone who names the name of Christ depart from iniquity!” 2Tim.2:19.

DIRTY_C: And what do you think departing from iniquity means?

CLEAN_C: What else should it mean? Departing from iniquity is getting sin away from our hearts getting free of all guilt and stain. Those who get it right are the only ones capable of remaining in the Lord and to become eternal beings for real. Unless you become clean, your foundations will always be weak and you can easily become “a foolish man who built his house on the sand. And the rain came down, and the floods came, and the wind blew and beat on that house. And it fell, and great was its fall”, Mat 7:26-27. Unless you depart from anything God considers sin, you won’t be an eternal being in daily life. And unless you break the wall that separates you from God, you won't be able to depart from sin, at least not for a long time.

DIRTY_C: What do you mean by “eternal being”?

CLEAN_C: Eternity means without end. However, it also means being constant and without ups and downs. It is a kind of solid life which remains forever. It doesn’t change and grows in one direction only. Eternal life means it is a kind of life which is steadfast, permanent, constant, without ups and downs and without end. We need to become eternal beings again and stop trying to live through appearances only. Man needs to repent for real.

DIRTY_C: What do you mean by that? What do you see as repenting for real?

CLEAN_C: Tears may mean nothing. Many people feel sorry for themselves and preachers take it for granted they are repenting. They might only be good hypocrites and people take them into the sheepfold because they may have cried. We should wait until the tree bears fruit.

DIRTY_C: How so?

CLEAN_C: When a person cries because of frustration, it doesn’t mean he is crying about his many sins. Maybe he is just crying because he is sorry he can’t get what he wants. Frustration leads many to cry. There are so many selfish reasons why people cry. Maybe people cry only because sin did not grant them what they expected it would.

DIRTY_C: Is it wrong to cry because of frustration?

CLEAN_C: No. The wrong part about it is to believe that, because we have cried and are frustrated beings, we may avoid fixing our lives the way we ought. Crying leads people to seek acceptance. It can’t be seen as repentance at all. Repentance means you not only give back what you have stolen, but also start giving away what you have worked for. You do the opposite of stealing. It is not the same as crying. Repentance means we try to straighten all our ways and make up for the wrong we may have done. Repenting is not crying over the spilled milk, but is rather milking the cow again in a new way and for nobler purposes. And one does not always cry milking the cow again.

DIRTY_C: I see.

CLEAN_C: I have seen pastors crying because they have been caught with prostitutes. They weren’t crying for their sins, but rather because they have been caught. They were seeking acceptance and not forgiveness. Others look back and miss their old sins for a moment. It causes them to cry as well.

DIRTY_C: I think people also cry because others won’t accept them.

CLEAN_C: It is true. It all happens that way because they wish only to be accepted.

DIRTY_C: Please, carry on. This is interesting. Forgive me for interrupting you so much.

CLEAN_C: So, when people have something separating them from the Lord, I am sure they will be unstable one way or another. The way they feel about things means nothing. The fact is that separation from the Lord makes people inconstant and wavering. Inconstant people cry easily. However, there are  also many who feel inconstant because of the emotional habits they gained and not because they are separated from the Lord. We should be able to take only facts into consideration and not emotions.

DIRTY_C: You mean that an unclean person is not eternal and it doesn’t matter how stable he feels. You also mean that any unconfessed sin makes us unstable even if we feel strong and safe.

CLEAN_C: Yes, that is what I mean. On the other hand, any clean person is strong, even when he feels weak and unsure. The Bible says, “Let the weak say ‘I am strong’”. Emotions come and go, but truth and facts will stand forever. The way of the Lord is a way where unclean people shall surely stumble and fall. “And a highway shall be there, and a way, and it shall be called, ‘The Way of Holiness’. The unclean shall not pass over it. But He shall be with them; the wayfaring men, though fools, shall not err in it”, Is.35:8.

DIRTY_C: I understand now. Eternity means something constant and without ups and downs. Even if we feel otherwise, facts are facts. That is what you mean, isn’t it?

CLEAN_C: Yes, that is right. I can see you are understanding things much quicker now. You are not too far away from experiencing truth in a real way, I think.

DIRTY_C: I also sense you are more patient towards me. You are explaining things better to me. Before, I only felt as if you were pressuring me. Now I feel you are explaining.

CLEAN_C: People have the notion of eternity in them, but sin makes them unstable and dying. No one who clings to sin may ever consider himself as eternal. However, man cannot stop thinking and reasoning in an eternal way. It is good that sinners feel unsecured and lost. Their lack of peace might teach them something about their real state. “There is no peace for the wicked, says the Lord”, Is.57:21.

DIRTY_C: So, it is important that we become constant people and not only feel constant. The way we have been made may confuse us sometimes and cause us to take certain things for granted which can’t be true anymore, because we have sinned.

CLEAN_C: That is right.

DIRTY_C: Tell me a bit more about the way we can become constant and eternal people, can you?

CLEAN_C: We cannot decide to be constant. We must be clean. There is a way to become constant. We may decide to clean up and humble ourselves and the consequence of it will be an experience of eternity and of eternal life within our being. Only then will it be a real experience. We cannot assume we shall become constant and eternal only by deciding to be so. We need to go through the whole process of cleansing, at first. We may not skip any part of it. That is where everything starts to be eternal. After that has happened, God’s things may be done in us and by us through the Lord's power. God will be able to gather with us, and we with Him. We shall have a genuine, unbreakable communion with the King of kings. And the best part is that it can be an eternal communion. All our ways and manners will change and new ways shall gradually be conceived in us. It will slowly take grip of whole being to confirm God is true. Our minds need to change and become conformed to the Lord. We mustn’t be conformed to this world anymore and neither to the mind habits it works in people. But, before we can be conformed to the Lord, we must clean the temple we are so that He shall settle down and feel at home.

DIRTY_C: What do you mean?

CLEAN_C: Before, we lived in the world and we used to think and reason the way the world normally thinks and reasons. There was nothing unusual for us to reason along that line of thought. However, we need to know even our ways need to change after we meet the Lord for real. In fact, the most important part is the change of our ways. We cannot look at things or at people the way the world taught us to look at them. The experiences through which the world maintained itself need to be replaced by truth, its ways and the reality of the Lord.

DIRTY_C: I understand. This means, if I speak to God or about God without having a genuine communion with Him, all I do is in vain.

CLEAN_C: Yes, that is right, especially when there is still something we can do about our situation or about saving ourselves. “Unless the Lord builds the house, they labour in vain who build it; unless the Lord keeps the city, the watchman stays awake in vain”, Ps.127:1. If God is near and trying to save us, it is obvious our plans will never work out outside Him. It is mercy which causes them not to work out. Usually, people far from God achieve many things they planned to do. They are at random and Judgment Day awaits them. They shall die in their sins. There is very little that frustrates them even if their soul is in deep turmoil because of the lack of peace. However, all those who have the blessed chance to get saved are often frustrated people until they cease to refuse the salvation God is offering to their souls.

DIRTY_C: And how is this related to being inconstant and wavering?

CLEAN_C: In the appearance, all such people who live far from God aren’t disturbed by the devil and live a quite existence. God doesn’t bother them much either. That is what I believe happens to most of them. However, their foundations are rotten and they shall never be sustained in trouble. When death comes their way, they are hopeless and faithless. For as long as they live, their eyes are blind to the fact that they shall die and that their foundations are rotten and their ways slippery. They feel safe, they seem safe and their appearances delude and mislead others into false Christianities. They are slipping into hell and know it not. “Surely You set them in slippery places; You cast them down into ruin. How have they been brought into grief, as in a moment! They are fully eaten up with terrors”, Ps.73:18,19. Their final fall will be great and hopeless! Once they fall, there is no return.

DIRTY_C: I understand.

CLEAN_C: However, that doesn’t happen to those who have a chance to get saved. As long as they resist the truth or as long as they need trials to live according to God’s precepts and commandments, God shall not give them rest. God strives with them against sin in their lives. Many of them may reject the gospel before the end, though. They can even accept an easier 'gospel'. However, their living on earth shall be quite different. These won’t have a good time on earth unless they change. Many holy ones remain poor and troubled to the end so they can be fully saved from everything that brings earth and heaviness to their hearts. These people may be emotionally unsure, but their foundations are strong and untouchable. God will be there to guide them right through. The lost people, however, may be emotionally stable, but their foundations are rotten. They will not stand in the Judgment of God. "Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous", Ps.1:5. The Bible exhorts us quite often to face facts and rejoice each time we are tried or go through occasional difficulties. What counts is whether our foundations are solid and not our feelings.

DIRTY_C: How so?

CLEAN_C: It would be good if all of us could express emotionally and practically the reality of our soul and life. However, what counts is the reality of the truth in us, even if we can't express it the way David could do. You may seem unstable while you have sound foundations; or you may have the appearance of stability while God is your enemy. It would be good if the appearance could be a precise reflection of your true state.

DIRTY_C: Can that happen?

CLEAN_C: You cannot expect God to bless you in those things which He does not approve and neither may you ever think God won’t bless the person He approves. Unfortunately, people start praying to God holding in the heart and desires what God can’t bless. They pray and God doesn’t answer. Once they clean up their motives and their lives, they are tempted to remember the previous sinful experiences of unanswered prayers. We must assume everything has changed after we really changed. We must live in reality and stick to it.

DIRTY_C: I see.

CLEAN_C: The other unfortunate thing that usually happens to humans is that evil people don’t have evil appearances. They are not used to reveal their hearts and minds. Once we come to the Lord and all becomes new, we have nothing to hide anymore. We shouldn’t be afraid to reveal all in the sincerity of our hearts as the habit used to be. "He who practices truth comes to the Light so that his works may be revealed, that they exist, having been worked in God", John 3:21. In practical life, we should be able to assume truth as truth, lies as lies and evil as evil. None of it should be hidden or helped to be hidden any longer. We cannot afford to be divided between two thoughts anymore, 1 Kings 18:21. If Ball saves, let’s live for him; if only Jesus saves, let’s live for Him alone. We shouldn’t be wavering between sin and God anymore. Let’s take a stand. If sinning is good, why should people hide it? And if God is good to them, why hide Him from anyone? Because people learn to hide sin, they will carry on hiding God in them after they are renewed.

DIRTY_C: We cannot live in a house where some rooms belong to the flesh and some others to God, right? It would be like expelling the devil only from certain parts of our house.

CLEAN_C: Yes, we could put it that way. And God wants the whole house for Himself so He can rule over the whole Temple. It belongs to Him forever. The fact is that we must be firm when God is at work and unstable when God leaves us for some reason. That is the normal way to live and to be in this creation. It shouldn’t work the other way round. But, sinners overshadow and cover their instability by being proud. Arrogant sinners usually feel safe and strong alone and unstable when God nears them because their strength and the ways they know and use are resisted by God and their ways resist God’s. This is why the strength of man has become such an offense to heaven. Sinners don’t know God’s ways and trust their own only. The ways of the flesh don’t work out when God’s presence is real and felt. And when people are used to the ways of the flesh, they become wavering because they don’t know any other way to make things work out. Now, because the ways of the flesh don’t work out in a spiritual atmosphere, it doesn’t mean the ways of the Spirit won’t work out at all. Man is not used that God’s things work out for them. They feel at home only when they pray and things do not work out. But, they will work out as soon as we become spiritual and clean. Then, there is a new reality one must become used to as soon as possible. So, when Jesus nears us for real, we need to believe Him or we will be in trouble. Things aren’t as they used to be anymore. “If you will not believe, surely you shall not be established (stable)”, Is.7:9.

DIRTY_C: You make me afraid. You mean that if I am still fleshly, I will be unstable as soon as Jesus is made real to me?

CLEAN_C: Yes, that is what I mean. You need to change and, before you can change, you must clean up.

DIRTY_C: And how can I make sure I am spiritual and not fleshly?

CLEAN_C: As soon as you clean up you will have enough light to distinguish between light and darkness, and between those things you need to lay down or give up and the ones you must take hold of. Usually, fear to fail near the Lord is a sign of excessive trust in the flesh. After your life is clean, things simply start to work out in a spiritual way and cease to work out in a way man is used to. If the things of God did not work out before, they might work out after a thorough cleansing is accomplished and done. You shouldn’t rely on previous experiences when the Lord did not hear your prayers. We need to become eternal beings and cease to be unstable.

DIRTY_C: I understand.

CLEAN_C: The biggest problem we may ever face is a wavering heart or an unstable soul. We should not live one minute of our lives with unstable foundations. Man is used to seek security in the way he feels or feels about things. That cannot be regarded as assurance anymore, since it has never been secure, even though genuine security grants us a kind of assurance beyond imagination. However, because the source of real security is not based upon emotion, but rather in spiritual facts and attainments, and because man seeks “peace where there is no peace”, any worldly person knows only how to trust only when he is emotionally stable. This means, he trusts in himself or in the flesh. If he feels safe, he believes he is safe. Facts do not count to him. The truth is, we should feel safe only when we are safe indeed. It shouldn’t work the other way round. We may find people praying, “Lord, your will be done”, while they have in mind their own desires, thinking those desires are what God wills for them. And they feel safe thinking they are praying for God’s will. Were they truthful, they could pray, “Lord, we wish you to do our will through your power! You love us, so do it Lord!” They see that as love, when they or the flesh are pleased.

DIRTY_C: And can we do that? May we ask things from God because He loves us?

CLEAN_C: If it is to fulfil the desires of the flesh, we can’t. We must ask things for God’s sake and in God’s name, it is, in Jesus' behalf. We cannot tempt God beyond that and make Him accomplish things because He loves us. It sounds like blackmailing Him into something. We should know God won’t leave us alone, ever. However, it does not mean we must demand from God the fulfilment of own, carnal interests. Our salvation is God’s will and salvation is being saved from thoughts and motives which are pleasant to the flesh or to self. Why would God feed something He wishes dead? We should take into account what God really has in mind for us and for all around for His sake.

DIRTY_C: What you are saying makes sense to me.

CLEAN_C: As much as praying for self grants man a special emotional comfort and assurance, it doesn’t make people secure for real, since they are not in God but rather in an emotional trip of self-love. Selfishness is the opposite of love. People have weak foundations and strong deceiving feelings about their own true state. Because people seek to be loved, thinking God does all for their sake, it makes them feel well and fulfilled. They have this vain idea that this is what faith is all about: to believe God shall satisfy the flesh and self will be carefree. One thing leads to another. Love towards self leads to tempt God. And when people cease to pray for own sakes, they shall easily believe they are not loved by God or that God won’t grant them any petitions. The truth is that only then will God grant answers to their prayers. If genuine faith comes out of love, a false one comes out of the love for self. Selfishness is the opposite of love and not hatred as many suppose. Hatred is just one more kind of selfishness. And, consequently, a false faith or the absence of real faith is always born out of selfishness. Even when people pray for signs and miracles, they breed a kind of selfishness which seeks their own glory. Even when man thinks of doing the things of God, he takes himself into account. This is one more reason why people become faithless and unbelieving.

DIRTY_C: How so?

CLEAN_C: When people love themselves and worry about themselves easily, they ask God for certain things which God seldom is able to grant. However, they have this inner selfish assurance which makes them carry on asking without realizing there are no answers to their carnal requests or even to their spiritual requests made in a selfish, carnal way. But, as soon as man’s motives change, and since man’s inner habit is always to take self into consideration, when he prays for the right thing, he will be reminded of how often God has denied him his requests when he prayed in sin. They start believing God’s hand is too short to save them, Is.59:1,2. All man needs to do is to think and realize he has changed. He must take notice it must be different since he has changed and God will most likely answer all his unselfish prayers sooner or later, one way or another. It should give man more and better confidence and not less. Such people may not dare to feel unstable once they have changed. And they might feel unstable and unsure because self is not loved or has not been taken in consideration. What should make them more confident causes them to doubt and become unstable in God’s will. They often look back because of that. Now that they are secured for real, they must feel accordingly. Doing God’s will for real and accomplishing it should assure us of facts and of God’s grace and means.

DIRTY_C: I understand.

CLEAN_C: We cannot carry on thinking God won’t change towards us when we have already changed towards Him and our ways have been changed from sin to holiness. God will give grace to the humble under any circumstances. However, we need to be clean. “Cleanse your hands, sinners; and purify your hearts, double-minded (wavering) ones”, James 4:8. We should refuse to give up or cease to pray before we have accomplished all of God’s will about anything at all. Things won’t be as before from the moment that everything has become new!

DIRTY_C: You mean that after we have cleansed our lives and if our motives have changed from self to God, we may feel better and have the assurance God will grant our requests, especially when self doesn’t feel loved? If self feels hated it should be good news to us and not sound like bad news? This means, we can have faith once we are clean and spotless, and before we shouldn’t be able to believe at all.

CLEAN_C: You could put it that way! “And this is the confidence that we have toward Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us”, 1 John 5:14. It doesn’t work out as it did before when we were not used to ask according to God’s will. Now, He hears us. Things may have changed because we have changed.

DIRTY_C: You mean, if my life is dirty I am unstable in my faith, even when I feel safe?

CLEAN_C: Unless you clean up your whole life, you shall always have a fight in you about believing or not believing. You will reveal a wavering soul and mind for as long as you have one single dirty spot in your conscience and soul. Don’t delay the cleansing of your soul one single day more!

DIRTY_C: Why is it so hard for me to clean up my life?

CLEAN_C: It is not hard when you are willing. It is still hard because you haven't decided to be willing. It will be easy as soon as you are willing. You need to come to the point where you say, “I will do it right now whatever it costs me!” Then it becomes easy. You make me anxious and that’s why you feel I am pushing you into it! Things are so clear, and yet, you seem to delay it time after time. Why postpone one minute more? You should know about all these things by now! They should be making sense to you already! You have been a Christian for such a long time! None of this should be unknown to you by now! You should be practicing all these things in a simple, natural way already. “For indeed because of the time, you ought to be teachers, you have need that one teach you again what are the first principles of the oracles of God. And you have become in need of milk, and not of solid food. For everyone partaking of milk is unskilful in the Word of Righteousness, for he is an infant. But, solid food belongs to those who are of full age, even those who, because of use, have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil”, Heb.5:12-14.

DIRTY_C: Please, stop forcing me and explain to me. This is interesting!

CLEAN_C: I can’t explain it forever! You need to clean your life once and for all! You seem hasty and impatient because you have been delaying things. Hasty people are often behind schedule. They want to skip many things because they are behind schedule and are unwilling to do it the way they should. You should believe and stop looking for a way to jump over things. “He who believes let him not be hasty!” Is.28:16.

DIRTY_C: Please, carry on.

CLEAN_C: Ok, I will. Unstable people become more unbelieving and unbelieving people become more unstable. Things just get worse and worse until the whole situation is reversed by doing what we ought to do and the way it ought to be done. There is very little left to explain! You should be doing truth by now! You act as Job’s friends did! They just wouldn’t be convinced and moved by truth!

DIRTY_C: If this is all true, if what you are saying is all according to truth, I am surely lost. I have never confessed my sins one by one before because I have never heard it should be done that way. I believe we are saved forever as soon as we accept Jesus.

CLEAN_C: People who do not clean up their lives will always fall into many traps of unnecessary temptations. It is just a question of time until they fall or even fall forever. You should not delay it one minute more. If you do, you will never know what the next moment will bring to you. You will always be wavering between two thoughts. You must start doing what you know is truth. You should also avoid being assured by other means which do not coincide with practical truth and with practical confession. Jesus said that if you are willing to do His will, you shall know whether the doctrine is His. You cannot expect to know whether it is true or not until you do what you have been shown to do. It just works that way. Even a lie can be exposed by trying it out. We shouldn’t practise lies, though. But, we cannot deny that lies are often exposed when tried. It just works! “If anyone desires to do His will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it is of God”, John 7:17. A wavering heart, soul or mind is part of the salary we get from sin. It is part of death.

DIRTY_C: I understand.

CLEAN_C: And there is another problem: wavering people often give up too easily. They only know how to be wavering. A wavering person is often own-minded as well because he fears to change and become eternal. He does not know the eternal way! It feels like heresy to him to feel that way, unable to trust self. And if that person can’t get things his way, he shall give up. And all those who give up reveal just how much they still love self and how much they keep it secret.

DIRTY_C: And what does all of this have to do with eternity?

CLEAN_C: Can’t you see? Every wavering mood any person has is the opposite of eternity. We must become eternal now. An eternal being is a constant being. Giving up cannot be eternity, can it? Any eternal being does not give up upon good. He simply knows and experiences what eternity is all about because he is a constant being in the things he should be constant. And people become un-eternal for many reasons. They may be constant people with an inconstant lookout; or they are not constant beings and appear to be sober and constant; or they can be a mixture of both. If our lives are indeed clean and spotless, we may live as eternal beings and deny what is not true in the way we feel about things. However, if God does not find our soul and conscience clean and spotless, we should not be able to believe we are safe and sound at all because our lives are at risk then. Sinners, usually, seek to be convinced so that they may suppose things and believe they do not need to change. The fearful feels well by fearing; the wavering ones by wavering and the worrying man by worrying. Unless a worried person does not worry, he will feel bad and unsafe. People feel well only by satisfying their own lusts and emotional demands. “For they do not sleep, except when they have done mischief”, Prov.4:16. You cannot regard that sort of peace and accomplishment which cause sinful people to sleep in peace as eternal.

DIRTY_C: It makes sense.

CLEAN_C: We may never cease to know or cease to believe that the life Jesus grants us is eternal in its essence. Unless the fruit reveals itself to be eternal, we must rather go back to the Lord and find out what is the matter with us. We must wipe out of our minds even the smell of wavering when we are clean. Even the remembrance of it should be gone from us. Then, we won’t be tempted to look unstable when our hearts are settled for real in the Lord because they are grounded upon the Rock of Ages. It should be enough to make eternal beings look eternal, and it should be able to do away with feigning forever.

DIRTY_C: And how can we accomplish that? What do I need to do?

CLEAN_C: It is accomplished through the working of the blood of Christ within our souls. But, it must be real and practical. Knowing about it and believing it is not enough: it must be practical. A clean person finds it easy to live in accordance to facts. The reality we start to experience in the Lord will assure us, our ways and all we do shall easily glorify the Lord. Any false security won’t stand a chance if our lives are real and genuine. Christ has promised it would be so. Our souls will be healed.

DIRTY_C: And will we always be clean?  

CLEAN_C: Of course we will. “Great peace is to those who love Your Law, and there is no stumbling for them”, Ps.119:165. It is a promise from God.

DIRTY_C: It seems like something to desire deeply. It sounds wonderful and desirable.

CLEAN_C: Yes, it is a wonderful thing. This is why I can’t figure out why you keep postponing it.

DIRTY_C: I think I will try cleansing my life soon. We will see how it works out.

CLEAN_C: This is just another un-eternal attitude.

DIRTY_C: Which one?

CLEAN_C: Postponing things. You are afraid to leave your way and exchange it for a better, solid one. It seems you don’t take these things seriously. That is a sure sign of the lack of eternity inside your heart. You seem to be so unbelieving and so lacking on a resolute spirit, that one doesn’t know what else to tell you or to convince you fully. You keep postponing what should be accepted at once! You should be a grown up Christian by now and there you are postponing things the way fools usually do.   

DIRTY_C: And all of this is a consequence of not being clean before the Lord? Should I clean all things first?

CLEAN_C: What things? What things you need to clean?

DIRTY_C: My lack of faith, the lack of eternity in my heart and some other things I would rather not mention.

CLEAN_C: Surely, you must clean yourself of any sin and stain. But, the worst ones are the ones you refuse to reveal and confess openly. After you have confessed them, you need to forsake all those sins forever as well. The moment God sees the disposition in you to forsake whatever you reveal and confess, you will be forgiven.

DIRTY_C: What you are saying is that the more I delay confessing my sins the more dirt will gather in my soul because sin grows? In your view, I am full of dirt inside? And all of that have bad consequences in my overall behaviour?

CLEAN_C: I don’t know how dirty your heart is. But, I am sure you know. And it is true that sin brings more sin because it separates you from the Lord. If you find yourself separated from God by some sin, you will do whatever sin or the devil wishes demands from you. Sin indeed separates from God. And you won’t know how much you need to clean until you start. The more you delay, the worst it will become and the more sins you shall need to bring to light later on. It will also become harder by the hour to comply with truth and to obey it. The choice is yours.

DIRTY_C: How so?

CLEAN_C: The task is urgent and, the more you delay, the more confusion you will bring upon yourself by the hour. Besides, the devil won’t leave you alone and he will give you a hard time. Conviction will also take all your peace away from you. Consequently, your mind, disposition and heart will be a mess. It may come to a point where there is no way to revert it anymore.

DIRTY_C: I wouldn’t want to reach that point!

CLEAN_C: I know you wouldn’t. This is why I keep warning you about delaying it each day, especially when you already know about something which should have been done a long time ago. You must come to a point where not even God finds a stain in you. Daniel said he had been innocent in God’s eyes. And we know God’s eyes see all. Nothing is hidden from Him at all.

DIRTY_C: But, Daniel had many problems, didn’t He? He was thrown into the lions’ den.

CLEAN_C: That wasn’t really his problem because God did care for him. His main problem was to keep his heart clean and blameless through the power of God. The lions and the persecution were God’s problems – not his. God is not afraid of the mouth of lions.

DIRTY_C: I understand.



(Dial.11)(Dial.12)(Dial.13)(Dial.14)(Dial.15)DIALOGUE 16(Dial.17)(Dial.18)(Dial.19)(Dial.20)